"After a hurricane comes a rainbow"
"What doesn't kill you makes your stronger"
We all face dark times in our lives.
The times when you can't see the sun, or the rainbows, or the hope of tomorrow being better.
People say that challenge is what defines a person.
I say that the dark times in our life are opportunities; opportunities to change our direction and focus.
Challenges are a chance to make big changes and a sign that re-calibration is needed.
Our actions and outcomes of our challenges is what defines us.
With that said, it is crazy for me to reflect on how many people that are close to me are trudging through their own blackouts. Wandering through the dark, looking for a light to point them in the direction that they should travel. Trudging through waist deep crap, exhausted and wondering "why?". I'm not sure if this is just a time of metaphoric realigning or just the age that I am at that so many of us are facing struggles.
Because of the stress of life, most of us lose touch with ourselves. We put children, work, and financial responsibility ahead of our own basic needs. Although these things are of utmost importance, outward focus is only productive to a point. A maple tree cannot continue to grow, provide food to us, and beautify our environment if it is cut off at the roots. We are the same.
When it is the hardest to focus on yourself, it is also the most important time. It is important to be able to look in the mirror and say "F'n right! I rock!!!!!", to knowledge your talents and gifts and realize your importance to the people in your life. Self-love is food for your roots and will provide growth, success and beauty to yourself and those around you. Love yourself, do things that make you happy, embrace and nurture your spirit and outer self! The strength will come from inside to help you see which way the sun is shining and keep your branches out strong even during the most strenuous storm.
At the end of the storm, as the raindrops are drying up, and the birds begin to chirp again, your strength will be there for all to see. Your roots will be unyielding, you will grown taller and stronger and it will be evident that a little rain can't knock you down.
Our very first PINK KISS pinup
https://www.facebook.com/PinkKissPinUp faced her own time of darkness. She spent about 8 months of uncertainty, moments of pure elation, and ultimately in loss. She lived the times of only blackout, and then she focused on herself. She embraced herself. She allowed her self to be happy and crazy and accept her emotions. She is a mentor and a survivor.....and very special to me. Here is her story:
I hope that she can be inspirational to all of you who are facing times of opportunity and that her story can be food for your roots.