Thursday, 5 April 2012

Let's Go!!!!

A big welcome back to me to these freezing cold temperatures!  Yikes, it's cold here!
But that's ok, because I had the hottest images ever to edit when I got home! :)

April is going to be a very a very busy month filled with parties all over Ontario!  I also can't wait for April 21st for our GI Jane event.  It should be a blast! :P  There are still a few spots left, if you were hoping to be a part.

Before my vacay, we had chance to debut our PINK KISS Boutique.  The response was overwhelming!!!!  We had ladies so overwhelmed with their decisions of what to buy.  The price points and selection is second to none!  We are even thinking about expanding our catalogue already!  We heard from so many of the ladies at the party "I can't buy everything that I want tonight.  Is there any way I can buy these things online?"  And our answer......YES!!!!!  Well, as soon as I get the Cancun air out of my head and get to work!  Look for our launch within the next week or so. :)

In the meantime, enjoy our facebook updates and contact us if you are interested in hosting a PINK KISS party this summer!